Walking in a recycled wonderland

Walking in a recycled wonderland

Walking in a recycled wonderland
Bridlington street trails Launch Christmas/ Winter trail 2022

+++++++++DRUM ROLL++++++++++

So here it is the Launch of the Bridlington Street Trail for Christmas 2022. Walking in a Recycled Wonderland

Using the theme of recycle, re-use, we are asking you to make a Christmas display or a Christmas tree of your choice. It is that easy.

Your display can be at the front of your house or easily seen in a window.

Please register by 30th Nov. The trail will start 10th till 31st Dec.

We will be asking you to supply a question about your display that people can answer as they walk around the Trail.

There will be more info given out in the next few weeks.

The trail is open to households, businesses, community groups, hotels, B&B’s, Care homes, schools, in fact Everyone! Lets have a brilliant trail around our town and have a lot of fun making our entries.

you can register here by clicking register for a trail


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