The Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrates 70 years of the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
Bridlington street trails will be holding a Seacrow Jubilee trail from May 30th – June 11th.
We would like as many businesses and residents to be part of this trail.
Seacrow is Bridlington Trails take on a Scarecrow festival.
This year the trail will take on the theme of Anything Royal.
Maggie Masters, one of the organisers for the trails , said ‘We held our really successful first Seacrow trail last August. We had over 100 Seacrows made and displayed within Bridlington by businesses and residents. We wanted to be part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee and what a better way to do it than with a Royal Seacrow trail.”
We are working closely with ‘Robot’ (Regeneration of Bridlington Old Town) , and our aim is to have a main trail from Old Town High St, all the way down St Johns St, Quay rd and into King street .
Join our Facebook page Bridlington Street Trails to find out about our launch date and how to take part.
We are always looking for sponsors for the trails, if you would like to become a sponsor or donate prizes we can be contacted via our Facebook page, Bridlington Street Trails or via email